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Intentional for 2018

Can you believe it?!?!?! We are near the end of 2017. What a year!! A lot has taken place in 2017: good, bad, and ugly. I am looking forward to 2018, which will bring a new start and a different perspective. One of my main goals for 2018 is to give 100% towards everything I set my mind to. Often times we get these good ideas, or plans, but we don’t see them through because of distractions.

I am going to focus on my ideas with laser like precision.

I don’t like to have many options. I begin to feel overwhelmed. I am just going to blame that on being a Libra and you cannot tell me any different. I decided for 2018 that I will only choose 2 personal goals and 2 professional goals to obtain in 2018. As the saying goes, I am going to under promise then over deliver. I’m going to out looking like a genius!!! Setting a small amount of goals will make it easy to measure. I will also be able to stay focused and engaged.

At my church, Elevation, we are in the phase of choosing our word for 2018. The word can be related to what you want to see God do through you, what you feel like you need to let go, or merely what you need to focus on. I pondered on this because I didn’t want to choose a word I didn’t feel passionate about. Also there were too many options and I was overwhelmed. I mean have you browsed Webster’s dictionary lately. At one point I wanted this elaborate big word so that when someone asked me, I would really have to explain what it meant. I realized I was totally missing the point that it is really the action behind the word and not really the word itself. The word is just a reference or launching pad to getting things done. After much deliberation and consternation . I decided my word for 2018 will be EVOLVE. I want more out of life, but mainly myself. I am truly all about becoming a better me and knowing it for myself- without the validation from others. I believe evolving is also dependent upon being self-aware. As I evolve, I am going to keep a few things in mind. I will learn to be appreciative for the small blessings. Another thing 2018 will see is me acknowledging beneficial relationships. You will not find me in situations that are not value added. I will surround myself with people who actually have a plan. Girl talk is good, but we cannot simply talk about things. We need action!! Value added conversations are important. I can't wait to document the process!!!

What is your word (or slogan)? How will you evolve in 2018?

Thank you so much for all of the support with my blog. It is really appreciated.

Happy Holidays!

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