Self-Love is the best LOVE!

Hey Sis, Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and you are either dreading the day or excited to see what bae got you. Before we get all excited about the instant gratification of chocolate and other gifts, we should probably take a minute and check in ourselves first. Many of us have been practicing self-care all 2020 and even into this new year, so what about self-love? Why wait for someone to show you love on one day out of the year when you can show yourself just as much love. I am fortunate that I get to enjoy the day through gifts; however, I still find a way to show myself love on this day as well. It is a tradition for me. Lately, I have been repeating in my head, “self-love is the best love.” I know what some of you are thinking, “girl, I still want to be shown a good time!” LOL. Yes, I know but until that time, show yourself the love you desire.

Self Love is defined as “love of self” or “regard for one’s happiness or advantage.” It is a way to show yourself worthy of compassion and nurturing. Who doesn’t deserve that!??! Loving yourself could be as simple as taking care of yourself FIRST before you take care of anyone else. Self-love means giving yourself what your body, brain, and soul needs for the marathon that is life. With the rollercoaster we call life/2021 that we are all on right now, there is no better time to show ourselves, love. The number one way to show yourself, love, is to put yourself first simply; yes, it is easier said than done- but it is necessary!
Some ways that I show myself love is to take a mental break and unplug from all media, even if it is for an hour or so. I take time to be in the moment; if the weather weren’t so crappy, I would chill with a glass of wine on my balcony, and people watch and vibe to some of my favorite jams. A quick affirmation does the trick as well, “ I love and accept myself” Whew!! I say this affirmation while standing in the power pose, so it resonates and raises my vibration. It doesn’t take a lot unless you feel that it should….that is your business. What are some ways you show yourself self-love?

With love,