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Welcome to Atlanta!

Hey y’all! I know what you are thinking: Krissy, where the hell have you been? I took some time to really think about the next step of my blog. The main questions I needed to answer were what purpose do I want my blog to serve and what is my niche’? It took me going to Atlanta to the Build Your Own Brand (BYOB) Retreat for me to truly discover the answers. I will reveal them to you at the end of this blog, but first let me tell you about the retreat.

I had SUCH a great time at the Build Your Own Brand Retreat. I was amongst sooo many creatives who had found their lane and are making six and seven figures. The best part: All of the melanin in that space. Being surrounded by so many bosses (literal bosses who owned businesses) the entire weekend meant there was no way I could have left Atlanta uninspired. My creative juices were flowing before I even got on 85 North to return home.

The retreat kicked off on Saturday morning with tons of workshops that ranged from creating a tribe to financial wellness and investing. There was something for everyone. I attended workshops more related to building my tribe and thinking like a millionaire! Panelist from a wide range of industries, from entertainment to women in construction, shared their stories on how they arrived at where they are today. The message during many of the sessions were very consistent: Be YOU! You know what you bring to the table. Be confident and don’t operate in FEAR! One of the most memorable quotes that I heard came from Founder and CEO Necole Parker Green of Elocen Group. She said for her, no simply means next opportunity. Do not take one no and let that prevent you from going after what you want. If you believe that it is meant for you, then keep going. I used to hear no and simply stop what I was doing. Not anymore. Going forward, a no will ignite something in me as if it was a yes. Oh you said no? Ok, bet.

There were so many people that I was excited to meet and hear speak. Some include Ronne Brown, founder of Girl CEO, Andrew Nguyen, founder of BYOB, brand strategist- Maya Ellious, and President of Combs Enterprise, Dia Simms. There were so many gems dropped during all of their sessions. They told me to know my worth and then add tax!

One of my main objectives for attending the retreat was to network and connect with others. This is probably one of my biggest areas of opportunities as I am a bit of an introvert. Don’t get me wrong. I love attending events and being inspired by others, but networking and making connections has not been one of my strengths. Well guess what? I stepped out of my comfort zone and I DID it! I made sooo many connections simply by first saying hello, complimenting someone or just chiming in on a conversation. I met quite a bit of people from Charlotte while attending the retreat and even a few ladies from Toronto! Attending the retreat was such a great experience.

So about those answers. I am currently rebranding and creating a space for working women that also have a side hustle. I want to show that it is possible to win in both spaces while doing it with style and grace. I will share my corporate chronicles as well as give you a glimpse into my personal world. Showing how I do it ALL!! Yep there you have it! I pray you stay along for the ride!

With Love,


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