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We Are Called To Be Bold

Every year, Elevation Church will ask members what our word for the upcoming year will be. Normally that word comes to me at the beginning of December. Well I was a little early this year, as it came to me around the time of my birthday. I had a lot going on and needed to be sure I was making the right decisions based on my faith. Joshua 1:9- We are called to BOLD. My goal for 2020 is for me to continue to have the courage to be BOLD, mainly in Christ and all of my dreams. I can be BOLD in every area of my life, whether it is financial, relationship, career or business. I can be bold with more than one thing at a time.

For me, being BOLD is having the confidence to see things through. There are times where I won't make a decision to do something because I don’t have the approval from people that matter to me. You wanna know something (Cardi B voice)? In 2020, I’m saying so what to the approval of others. I need to be very bold with your faith and trust in myself. I have very audacious goals for 2020, which I am very excited about. Will it be easy? Probably not. Can it be done? Absolutely!

I met someone a few weeks ago who had just transitioned to Charlotte. After meeting with this person, I walked away so very impressed with how BOLD she was with her faith and with taking chances. My new friend went from having everything figured out to now being in a space where things are uncertain. Now this would be scary for most and by most, I mean me. I was actually inspired by the boldness she exemplified. After our meeting, I began to visualize my dreams as reality. I wrote down my plan. It’s not complete, but it’s a start. A very bold one.

What’s your word for 2020?

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